Friday, 7 December 2012

Foodie Affairs: Tanjung Aru Feast

" Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and  let the food fight it out inside" ~ Mark Twain

Venue: Tanjung Aru Beach Food Court, Kota Kinabalu

The place is a well known place in KK.
And I bet you went to this place for at least once right? ;p

Well, for me.. The place is nice, with the beach and all. But for a single lady like me, I am not one of those people who enjoys a stroll along the beach, I might do so if I have a partner, but I don't have one for the time being  so, that's not one of the reason that I love this place. Hee.

And the foods. Yeah. Its all about the food.
And I'm not saying about the usual 'fried rice' or 'fried mee' from the rows of food stalls available on the food court either. I believe that you do agree with me that all that are of no difference compare to other food at other place other than Tg Aru right. (Sorry if the words are confusing.. ;p)

What I'm trying to say that I'm in love with about this place is theseeee!
1. Scrumptious Mixed fruits ABC
2. Luscious Satays
3. Delish Chicken Wings
4. And a newly discovered 'Keropok Lekor'
So what do you think, these are the reason why you kept going back to that place right?

Just a simple post to make you drool. ;p
Ciao.. XOXO Gee.

" The belly rules the mind" ~Spanish Proverb


  1. Tempat dating bah this haha! Yummy for the ice cream (^^)

    1. Oops.. yang time zaman bujang2 kan.. hehe.. nyum nyum.. memang yummy.. ;p

  2. Ya..u're rite.. Sedap tu Ice cream...Tapi saya jarang juga pi sana..huhu

    1. sedap kan.. dengan buah buah dia yg banyak.. hee :)

  3. Replies
    1. Hehe.. tapi eskrim ko lebih appetizing sis.. yg atas brownie tu.. mo try jg nt.. ;p

  4. OMG luckily I just had my late lunch. Kalau tidak, derita laini menahan tu kelaparan. Hehe! But you know what, lepas nampak tuna ice cream saya terus suruh bro saya pigi beli ice cream sana kadai! Now we're waiting for him and that icecream haha..

    1. Hehe.. Mo say sorry ma bro ko la ni, tiba2 kena suruh pigi bli aiskrim ah.. hee.. ;p
